India's oldest student-edited law review
The National Law School of India Review (NLSIR) is the flagship student-edited law review published by the National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bengaluru. The NLSIR holds the unique distinction of being cited thrice by the Supreme Court of India. Over the years, the NLSIR has sought to provide incisive legal scholarship on issues at the forefront of contemporary legal discourse. NLSIR Online was launched as a step forward in this direction. This platform is intended to be a forum for regular engagement with contemporary legal developments.
Submission Guidelines
All contributions submitted to the NLSIR Online should be original, and should not have any plagiarized content.
We accept external submissions via this Google Form.
NLSIU students are to submit their pieces via this special form.
The author(s) must confirm that the article is not under simultaneous consideration for publication elsewhere (online or print).
Submissions must be approximately between 1500 to 3000 words long.
NLSIR Online is flexible regarding the word count depending on the quality of the submission.
Please go through our submission guidelines carefully.
Formatting Guidelines
The body of the article should be in Times New Roman, font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing.
All sources should be hyperlinked in the body of the article and not footnoted. Only if such hyperlinking is not possible (such as in the case of books or academic articles), should footnotes (and not endnotes) be used. Citations must conform to OSCOLA (Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities) (4th edn.) style of citation.
Authors are required to adhere to the NLSIR Style Guide which can be found here.
General Information
We accept rolling submissions.
Upon submission, every article will undergo review by the Board of Editors.
We hope to update authors on the submission within 2-3 weeks of their submission.
Contact Information
For any queries, please contact us at nlsirevonline@gmail.com.
You can subscribe to NLSIR here.