India's oldest student-edited law review
The National Law School of India Review (NLSIR) is the flagship student-edited law review published by the National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bengaluru.​
It holds the unique distinction of being cited thrice by the Supreme Court of India. It has also been cited by Indian High Courts and courts in the wider Global South, including Sri Lanka and South Africa. Other citations include the Report of the Committee of Experts on a Data Protection Framework for India under the Chairmanship of Justice (retd.) B.N. Srikrishna and reports of the 21st Law Commission of India.
Faculty Board
Dr. Chandrabhan P. Yadav
Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
Ms. Diya Deviah
Assistant Professor and Co-Director, Writing Centre, NLSIU
Mr. Kunal Ambasta
Assistant Professor of Law
Dr. Rahul Hemrajani
Assistant Professor of Law
Dr. Rinku Lamba
Associate Professor, Social Sciences
Dr. Sarasu E. Thomas
Professor of Law and Faculty-in-Charge, Centre for Women and the Law, NLSIU
NLSIR aims to:
Publish scholarship of the highest calibre in all areas of Indian law, including comparative perspectives that examine Indian law,
Promote accessibility to legal scholarship and discourse,
Encourage deliberation among academia, government, industry and non-governmental stakeholders,
Promote original legal writing among law students and young academics.
In furtherance of these aims, NLSIR publishes two Issues in its annual Volume. The first is a General Issue, which welcomes submissions on any area of law, including interdisciplinary analysis. There is no limitation on the choice of topic, with the only requirement that it involve legal analysis with relevance to India. Authors are free to look at any other field(s) of study for guidance in developing a scholarly critique of the past/current legal landscape. NLSIR invites contributions in the categories of long articles, essays, book reviews, case notes and legislative comments.
The second Issue each year is themed on our annual Symposium. The NLSIR Symposium is the flagship event of the Committee which seeks to provide a platform for a discourse on topical issues. The theme for the symposium is a contemporary or pressing issue on which academics, practitioners, policy researchers and students engage in a productive dialogue. The deliberations at the Symposium provide the academic foundation for our second Issue, which will only feature articles on the Symposium theme.
In 2018, we launched NLSIR Online, the Online counterpart of the print journal. NLSIR Online hosts shorter pieces on contemporaneous issues. Through this, we seek to better realise our mandate of making legal scholarship accessible to both contributors and readers. NLSIR organises several other events in furtherance of its aims, which may be found under the ‘Other Events’ tab.
Board of Editors
Barath Arjun B.K.
Deputy Editor-in-Chief (Journal)
Rushil Batra
Deputy Editor-in-Chief (Blog)
Saumitra Khullar
Aman Patidar
Anushka Kanabar
Arjun Harihar
Keshav Soni
Prabhat Rajagopalan
Priyam Mitra
Ratyansh Garg
Ritesh Raj
Ritwik Deswal
Saksham Agrawal
Sumukhi Subramanian
Varenya Singh
Citations by the Supreme Court of India
Gautam Bhatia, “State Surveillance and the Right to Privacy in India: A Constitutional Biography”, National Law School of India Review (2014), Vol. 26(2), at pages 138-139 has been cited in Para 64 of K.S. Puttuswamy v. Union of India, (2017) 10 SCC 1
Arvind Datar, "Privilegle, Police Power and Res Extra Commercium - Glaring Conceptual Errors", National Law School of India Review (2009), Vol. 21(1), at pages 133-145 has been cited in Para 59 of Unaided Private Schools of Delhi v. Director of Education, (2009) 10 SCC 1
Alok Prasanna, "For a mess of Potage: The GST’s promise of increased revenue to states comes at the cost of the federal structure of the Constitution", National Law School of India Review. Vol. 28, No. 2 (2016), at pages 97-113 has been cited in Page 75 of Union of India v. M/s Mohit Minerals, Civil Appeal No. 1390 of 2022
Other Notable Citations
Robert A. Hillman, Consumer Internet Standard Form Contracts in India: A Proposal, 29(1) National Law School of India Review (2017) at pages 70-86 has been cited in Page 52 of the Committee of Experts on a Data Protection Framework for India under the Chairmanship of Justice B.N. Srikrishna.
Arvind Datar, "Privilegle, Police Power and Res Extra Commercium - Glaring Conceptual Errors", National Law School of India Review (2009), Vol. 21(1), at pages 133-145 has been cited in Page 41 of Report No. 246 of the Law Commission of India on Legal Framework: Gambling and Sports Betting Including in Cricket in India released on July 2018
Avinash Govindjee and Sairam Bhat, Restrictive Covenants in Employment Contracts: A Comparison between the legal positions in India and South Africa, 20(1) National Law School of India Review at pages 46-61 has been cited in Para 19 of Arteflex (Pty) Ltd. v. Frans Pieters and Anr., decided by the High Court of South Africa, Case No. 2023 - 024313
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